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- California 32
- Indiana 3
- Maryland 3
- Massachusetts 12
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- Nebraska 3
- New York 10
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- Texas 12
- Virginia 4
- Washington D.C. 6
- Washington State 5
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- Clinician 3
- Developer 10
- Engineer 10
- Fellow / Post-Doc 8
- Intern / Student 47
- Manager 2
- Other 5
- Professor / Teacher 6
- Researcher 30
- Scientist 18
- Staff 22
- Technician 2
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Career Resources
Careers Toolbox
The Careers Toolbox focuses on undergraduate physics students entering the workforce after graduation.
But even students who choose to go to graduate school will eventually be looking for a job!
About SPS Jobs
SPS Jobs has listings for the latest internship, research experiences for undergraduates (REU), and summer research jobs in physics and the physical science and engineering fields, plus jobs in specialized disciplines like applied physics, biophysics, materials, astronomy and space science, computational physics, condensed matter physics, astrophysics, mathematics, and more!
Find a job here as a pre-career or entry-level scientist or engineer.